Since the dawn of time humans have attempted to show what their eyes cannot see but their secret Self did. Cave drawings, ancient half human half...
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I know many of you have been waiting a long time for new artists and new articles but as you know, last year has been a really tough one…
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Sometimes, it is hard for me to find an artist that I can really connect with, that I can feel and see true artistic potential. There are hundreds of...
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This would be the first time when I am writing not only about an artist but an entire genre that he/she represents and also the culture that creat...
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When it comes to art there is one thing I noticed (well there are many but this is one of them) you cannot fail to notice that traditional painters...
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Nadia Satya’s visionary art embraces the entire spectrum of imaginal realms from the “sambhagakaya” of the Tibetans to the nirva...
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Stephen Voyles’s art is a means of communication and self-expression but also an internal conflict resolution.He is using inverted symbols of the...
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Rachna Rajen practices a complex form of abstraction filled with references to both futuristic landscapes and visual Middle Eastern pat...
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Chris Mars is more than a genius artist, he is a philosopher and a human rights activist- all through his art.This is one of the reasons why...
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One of the few artists that can teleport your mind back to the Renaissance is Sergey Lukyanov. All of his paintings have this aura of old and mystic...