Martin La Spina is that type of artist that gives everything and his art is filled with his spirit.Maybe this is the reason why I could recognize several styles , all different but yet all so complex.There are those paintings that are explosive and the composition seem to be out of this world filled with amazing colors and there are those paintings that have a tamed variety of colors but they have an ethereal beauty attached to them.

You can easily see the influence of Salvador Dali and all the surrealistic Grand Masters but there are also some paintings that remind me of Ernst Fuchs (although I know many of you would disagree with me on that). It’s that religious, Christian message that some of his paintings have and it just reminds me of the great Fuchs.
There is another thing that made me write about this artist and not another one-his capacity to tap into the human psyche and seemingly into the neonatal experiences.Some of his artworks are into the psychedelic range and I would assume that he takes his art more serious than anyone would assume and he has a spiritual connection with it.