I’ve found Josip Csoor purely by mistake while surfing the internet and I was amazed by his style. I wanted to know more about him and his art but the only place where I could see more of his art is Facebook.

“Goddess Kali and her bathroom”
He seems to share a sad underestimated artist story, in a country where, let’s say, art is at least …underestimated if not dead (Serbia). An art of such caliber would never ever pass unnoticed in any other country and for sure would never ever be discriminated as he claims,his art is, in his home country.
What is striking about his style are not the contrasts, that are amazing by the way, nor the semi abstract, surreal,visionary landscapes but the power that it transmits. Every single painting that I saw has a certain amount of artist power that can only come from within.

“Ancestress and her guards”
In my life, I’ve seen a lot of religious art, of all kinds and I think the Greek ancient temples (for example) are great to define the past and the long forgotten gods just as our new churches and mosques represent the present and recent past. Josip Csoor though, is a visionary and I do believe that this is the way our future temples will look like. They will have this type of beautiful art and people will worship some sort of alien gods.
When I first saw his art, I thought that it has to be digital but to my surprise all of them are oils on canvas which I believe is amazing. The way everything flows like an ethereal dream and the characters are in there but you cannot really grasp them gives his paintings a sense of uniqueness.